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Building upon the success of the two previously published books below, released in June 2021, “God Always Says Yes” quickly became another Best-Seller. It represents a much improved upon – better explained, farther-reaching, new-version of the previous book. In essence, “God Always Says Yes,” is “It Will Change You” on steroids’. Thus, if you’ve read “It Will Change You” before, you owe it to yourself to learn the latest from both Marco and Seth; if instead you’ve read neither, we suggest getting yourself a copy of  “God Always Says Yes” on its own.

Basandosi sul successo dei due libri precedenti, e rilasciato in giugno 2021, “God Always Says Yes” (Dio dice sempre di si,) è diventato rapidamente un altro best-seller. Questo nuovo libro, rappresenta una versione molto migliorata – più approfondita del libro precedente. In breve, “God Always Says Yes” è “It Will Change You” su steroidi. Quindi, se hai già letto “It Will Change You”, lo devi a te stesso sapere le ultime novità da Marco e Seth; se invece non hai ancora letto nessuno dei due, consigliamo leggere “Dio dice sempre di sì”.

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Released in 2017, “It Will Change You” became a N1 Best-Seller in less than 2 days. This book has not only received myriads of Stellar 5-Stars reviews, (some from top USA book critics,) but it is also credited with helping hundreds of readers around the world find their own life-purpose.

Rilasciato nel 2017, “It Will Change You” è diventato un best-seller N1 in meno di 2 giorni. Questo libro non solo ha ricevuto miriadi di recensioni a 5-Stelle, (alcune dai migliori critici di libri statunitensi), ma è anche accreditato di aver aiutato centinaia di lettori in tutto il mondo a trovare il proprio scopo nella vita. 

Order here / Ordinate qui 



Released in 2012, after 25 extraneous years of work, “Going Home” Was Marco’s first book. It was received with great acclaim, and it is in effect, the book that started Marco’s career, as, the many hundreds of messages Marco received as a result was what encouraged him to get hard at work once again – and 5 years on, produce an even better version (see above). This book has received hundreds of 5-Stars reviews and is credited with helping hundreds of readers around the world. (Out-of-Print).

Pubblicato nel 2012, dopo 25 anni di lavoro, “Going Home” è stato il primo libro di Marco. Accolto con grande successo, è in effetti, il libro che ha dato inizio alla carriera di Marco, così come le molte centinaia di messaggi che Marco ha ricevuto di seguito, è stato ciò che lo ha incoraggiato a rimettersi al lavoro e 5 anni dopo, produrre una versione ancora migliore (vedi sopra). Questo libro ha ricevuto centinaia di recensioni a 5 stelle ed è accreditato per aver aiutato centinaia di lettori in tutto il mondo. (Fuori stampa).


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Here are the latest reviews.

Mr. Grady Harp is one of the most respected book critics in the U.S.A. And top 100 American book reviewers. Here is what he had to say about my book.

 5 out of 5 stars – ‘Aware, is the only way everything comes!’
By Grady Harp. HALL OF FAME TOP 100 REVIEWER. On Sept. 18, 2017 – Title: “It Will Change You” – Book Review.  On its own, the biographical data on author Marco Governali, in essence, presents the content of this rather extraordinary bookThe time in which we live challenges almost all of our innate notions of there being a right and wrong, a creator or spirit from whom we derive and to whom we will return – whether we elect to name that creator ‘God’ or the universe. We are left wondering if anything makes sense- the government madness, the terrorism both at home and abroad, the continuation of racism, ageism, gender variation denial, the disparity between the wealthy and the dwindling or non-existent middle class, new nuclear war threats, homeless, wild screams from nature that destroy lives and land and cities – and so forth. Why? What is tomorrow – if it exists at all? If this state of mind disturbs, then read this book!

Marco Governali, PhD, offers a book to change that level of terror, of thinking, of wondering if it all makes sense. To dissect this book in an attempt to convince others of its value would in many ways detract from the experience of discover. It is sufficient to share some potent quotations: ‘The artist painted within, not without! The painting, the canvas, and the Artist, are therefore one and the same! Hence the energy and vitality of the Universe came from within. And though at that point still invisible, the moment the Creator conceived it, the Universe became alive. Thus, no actual “place” or “space” exists nor is needed, for the Universe to materialize, grow or expand into. The Universe only exists “in a thought state,” more precisely, “A Spiritual Realm in the Creator’s mind.’” Or another moment of truth – ‘All-That-Is, is simply ‘imagining’ all of this, thus, you are simply put, being imagined!’

This book is a life-changing journey, one that offers inner understanding to many of the questions about which we rarely dare to address. Highly Recommended. Grady Harp, September 17 – I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

More Amazon Verified Testimonials:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars‘- ByJ. Albuson November 8, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser. – I read Marco’s prior book “Going Home” in 2012 and have been waiting for this since. “It Will Change You…” exceeded my expectations for being both fascinating and deeply meaningful. I sense that Seth (and Marco) wished for a few more elaborations from a somewhat different perspective than was experienced when Seth spoke with Jane. I have just about every Seth and Jane Roberts book and find this book a must-read, for more of Seth and Marco’s takes on several subjects. The fresh material from “It Will Change You…” helped to clarify/simplify a couple of the Seth concepts I have struggled a bit with over the past several years. Be sure to read it till the end where I found a couple of true jewels as well as a personally most meaningful revelation on particles, energy, and creation. I was sad to finish this book as I wanted to keep reading more Governali. Thank you, Marco!

 5 out of 5 stars‘- Love this book! on May 22, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser.  A must read, could not put it down! Great gift for anybody looking to make a dramatic change in life Get ready for a ride of your life. You have to get to know this Author and see his YouTube videos and his one on one coaching. Amazing book!

on August 20, 2017  – Amazon / Verified Purchaser. This book was recommended to me by a friend. It’s an excellent book and I really enjoyed reading it. Definitely look forward to reading more from this author!

 5 out of 5 stars‘- Give us more! on August 20, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser.  Mr. Governali wrote a great read. I truly believe that there is something for everybody in this piece. It helped me along my spiritual journey and fell into my lap in a time I needed it. I can not wait to hear more from Marco.

 5 out of 5 stars‘- Highly recommend reading this book! on August 21, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser.  Wow, Truly fascinating. Highly recommend reading this book!

 5 out of 5 stars‘- Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! on August 20, 2017 –  Amazon / Verified Purchaser.  Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. A truly transforming read in a league of its own.

 4 out of 5 stars‘- A sure bestseller! on August 19, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser. This book is truly a marvel. Very thought-provoking. It’s going to be a best seller. Spread the word!

  5 out of 5 stars‘- Five Stars! on August 21, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser.  Absolutely amazing – couldn’t put down. Definitely a MUST READ!

 4 out of 5 stars‘- Marco Governali’s dedication and commitment for a better world is clearly evident! n August 19, 2017 – Amazon / Verified Purchaser. This is a book that it will truly change the way you look at your life. Marco Governali’s dedication and commitment for a better world is clearly evident not only through his personal compelling story and spiritual experiences but by the desire to see spiritual knowledge being made available to all. It is tempting for those who have been given such insight and understanding to fall back into the comfort zone of their everyday life, or to acquire the spiritual righteousness that leads to isolation, but through his humbleness, Marco has laid out in amazing details how everything actually works. For this, we owe him a great deal of gratitude in the hope that the world will recognize the gifts that have been given us through him and learn through our own humbleness, how best to use them!

The Six Universal Laws Of The Law Of Attraction.

In recent years more and more people have heard about the Law of Attraction (LoA). Whether they through a friend, a book or from the movie “The Secret,” a lot of attention has been given to this particular law. Despite all the attention, however, did you know that the vast majority of people have a difficult time implementing or even understanding this extremely important Universal Law? Here are the 5 major rules governing the Law of Attraction. 

The Six Universal Laws

Everything that has been created can be explained using these 5 laws. These 6 laws give order to our universe and should not be considered in isolation.

  • The First Law or ‘principle’ states that consciousness is the cause of all creation.
  • The Second is the Law of Intent
  • The Third is the Law of Vibration
  • The Fourth is the Law of Attraction
  • The Fifth is the Law of Allowing
  • The Sixth is the Law of Gestation

Here is a brief introduction to each of these below.

Consciousness – The First Principle states that consciousness is pure, positive, creative potential and that consciousness creates via thought. Everything that you witness with your eyes results from the creation of consciousness. Consciousness exists independent of physical bodies. Consciousness is eternal. It is the directing and animating principle of the universe. The First Principle is the foundation upon which all universal laws proceed.

The Law of Intent – Due to the fact that consciousness is not dependent on physical structures, it has, at all times, the power of choice. The Law of Intent states that free will is an inherent attribute of consciousness and can never be taken away. A human being, in the spirit-mind-body framework, is consciousness associated with a body, and has free choice at all times, regardless of appearances to the contrary. Whatever a person decides to be or do is a personal decision. No one else can think, choose, decide, or feel for another. In other words, every conscious being has the ability to decide for himself or herself, without interference from anyone else. The Law of Intent means that it is possible to become a conscious creator, for the universe is designed to support our decisions. The Law of Intent is inseparably bound with its compatriots, the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction. Together they guarantee ultimate personal freedom if properly understood and applied!

The Law of Vibration – The Law of Vibration states that all things can be considered to be vibratory in nature. Matter and energy are vibrational in nature, for all things are made of atoms. Atoms vibrate internally as electrons oscillate around the nucleus, and are comparatively as far away from it as the planets are from the sun. The atom is a vibration because it is internally in motion. A thought is also a vibration, because it too is alive, coming forth directly from consciousness. The thoughts and emotions of a conscious being generate a vibrational signal to the rest of the universe, carried upon the universal medium of thought. The universe is a field of consciousness.

Space is not empty. Quantum physics postulates that space contains a sea of virtual particles, winking in and out of existence. This concept has been understood for millennia. The Maitri Upanishad mentions the two aspects of Brahman, the higher and the lower. The higher Brahman being the un-manifest Supreme reality which is soundless, totally quiescent and restful, the lower being the Shabda Brahman which vibrationally manifests itself into materiality.

All things in existence have a unique vibrational signature or footprint. An activated vibration will generate a vibrational response from the rest of the universe. Think of a tuning fork. In its deactivated state a quiescent tuning fork sends forth no signal; however, when the tuning fork is struck, it emits its characteristic sound.  A sound is a vibration, carried upon the molecules of the air. An activated thought is also a vibration, carried upon the universal energy of consciousness itself, which pervades the universe. This energy has been traditionally called chi, prana, or life force energy. As Dr. David Hawkins asserts, “The universe is a field of consciousness.” Again, this idea has been understood for millennia. In our western societies, we have just forgotten, which may explain why many of us feel stressed and overworked.

The implications of this are enormous, for it means that a person is in constant communication, vibrationally, with the world around him or her. It means that others will respond to the way you think and feel. The Law of Vibration leads directly to the very important universal principle called the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction – The Law of Attraction states, ‘Like Attracts Like.’ Whatever you focus your thoughts upon–will be drawn into your experience. Thoughts are magnetic, hence, they attract “like thoughts” to themselves. Emotions and feelings are powerful amplifiers to thought. It is an energy phenomenon. It does not matter whether you desire the thing you are focusing upon. That which you are thinking and feeling will be drawn into your experience regardless. That is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It is why the better it gets, the better it gets, and the worse it gets, the worse it gets. That is why fighting something you don’t want will always draw it into your experience. Think of yourself as a large magnet that draws to itself that which it is focused upon, and you will have the concept.

(Conscious Creation)  One of the corollaries of the Law of Attraction is the principle of conscious creation. In order to get what you want, you must deliberately create it, through the conscious exercise of your free will choices. If you do not, your life will be created for you by default, most likely through your own unconscious belief system reinforced by the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs floating around in the mass consciousness, or by picking up and buying into the beliefs of others. A conscious creator causes things to happen in his or her life!

The Law of Allowing – The application of the previous four laws depend upon the fifth. It is vital to maintaining a pure creative vibration aligned precisely to your desire. Resistance, indicated by negative emotion, places counter-thought and counter-intention into your creative vision. You can work, and work, and work and still not succeed, because the effectiveness of all action cycles is dependent upon your state of being. This is precisely the opposite of what many of us have been taught. However, the Universe has been designed to support your decisions and your vibrational orientation. Action is a subset of thought, for thought precedes action.

The Law of Gestation – Everything in life requires a gestation period. When you want something you want it now! However, no matter how skilled or resourceful you are there is always a time lag between the original conception and the manifestation or achievement of the goal. The creative process takes time! Allowing what is wanted essentially keeps your attention on the wanted thing, and off of the fact that you don’t have it yet. This keeps your vibrational signal oriented in the right direction, and allows you to rendezvous with the people and resources that match up with you. By not resisting the wanted thing you allow the law of ‘like attracts like’ to work in your favor. Whatever you place your attention on you get more of. By relaxing into your creative process you strengthen your intention and become a more powerful attracting magnet for the things you want and a more effective co-creator. In short, allowing is the aligning of your vibration with that of your desire.

When your thoughts, your focus, and your intent are exclusively on what is wanted, you feel relaxed, joyful and lighthearted about the goal. Paradoxically, the more joyful you are, the less hard you have to work, and the more powerful and effective are your actions.

The Law of Gratitude – The law of gratitude, simply suggests that “whatever you are grateful for – you get more of.”

At first glance; it could not be simpler. But there is a lot more than it meets the eye. For how could you possibly be grateful – for something which you do not have – physically? You may ask.

Well, that’s the million-dollar question; hence, understanding that there exists no difference between that which you physically have, and that which you imagine in your mind, becomes crucial. As it turns out, the Universe cannot tell the difference between what we label as “Physical,” and what we label “Imagination,” as – surprise-surprise, it is ALL imagination. In other words, what appears as physical to us (humans), is one and the same to the Universe, all Spiritual. In other words, the Physical as well as the imagined, is ALL Spiritual. The only difference being, the frequency at which each level vibrates at.

Hence, we must learn to use our imagination, and carefully examine “what” we imagine, as, it turns out, that everything in the so-called physical, actually starts in our imagination. Allow me to ask you a question. Do you first build your new home, and then think about building it, or do you instead first think of it, imagine it, make the blueprints and then hire a construction company to build you one? In effect, transferring that thought, that home you imagined, into the physical.

So, it is imperative that we learn how to use our imagination, and learn how to be grateful for what we have, regardless of how little. Suppose you desire wealth, but suppose you only have 10 dollars in your bank account, and you cannot afford to pay your next electrical bill. You can focus on non-having that money you need, hence getting more of the same (non-having it), or you can focus on being grateful for what you have. “But how could I possibly be grateful for ten dollars you may ask? You do not need to be grateful on the amount, simply be grateful for the fact that you have money. Do not specify the actual amount, simply say, “Thank you. Thank you for me having money.” Forget about the actual amount. This simple but effective example by the way, works in each and every area of your life.

There is a saying which goes something like this. “If you only retained one thing only from all of the above, simply remember this. There are 3 simple things I need you to do. 1. Be grateful. 2. Be grateful. 3. Be grateful”.  

Are You a Light-Worker?

For starters, being aware that everything happens for a reason, if you are here – you are consciously seeking – or your Higher-Self brought you here. 

Who is a “Light-Worker?”  On the surface, normal everyday folks. Spiritually speaking, however, they are aware and ready to step into their Sacred Purpose. A Light-Worker is someone who wants to see healing in the world on a large scale, considers themselves able to detect subtle healing energy, and has had some kind of a mystical awakening in their lives, be it current or a past life. Yes, they can at times get caught up in the triviality of everyday earthly life. At times they can even get off course for a while – forgetting their innate gift, their self-healing powers. All  Light-Workers, however, will eventually begin to sense – become aware of the “quiet call” in their heart, and begin to perceive a deep – certain feeling that they are here for a higher purpose. in the beginning, they often have no idea what that purpose is, but as time goes on, they will be able to focus more and more and crystallize their reason for being.

How do you know if you are a Light Worker?

1. Alone time feels normal. Time alone was never misspent for you as a child or an adult. You enjoy isolation because it’s so easy to pick up on the moods of the people around you.

2. You want to help people. Light Workers are people who are here to heal the Earth. You want to help eradicate all physical problems with the world, like poverty, war, and hunger.

3. You respect all life. You find animal abuse physically sickening. You find all life to be valuable and worth our respect. Environmental destruction grinds your gears the most. You want to protect life on this planet.

4. You don’t always feel like you fit in. You tend to rebel against authority and view governments with a great deal of mistrust. You feel like you’re the odd man or woman out in this society. It’s not uncommon. In many ways, our culture is one of destruction, and that’s the opposite of what you’re aiming for.

5. You feel at one with the cosmos. When you look up at the night sky, you feel at peace and at home. You admire the cosmos around you. It feels like your whole existence is to learn and promote better living.

6. You feel it is your duty to counsel, write or help others do the same. You may have had experiences as a child that seemed un-explainable, such as visions or dreams that came true. You also hold the belief that the Love of Spirit can heal any situation with faith, fearlessness, perseverance, and peace.

We are the leading edge of Creation, All-That-Is sees through us, Loves through us, Cries through us, laughs through us. Let’s do our part!

If you think you are a Light Worker and would like Guidance and/or Clarification about what you Life’s Path should be, or any question at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you kindly. I send you Love and Light.

Marco Governali PhD

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